Zucoin Wallet App v184 Update Released - Export Transaction History To CSV For Accounting And Tax Reporting

Here's something in time for the upcoming tax season and as always, thank you for reading this MyZucoins newsletter.

Accountants filling in cells in a giant spreadsheet

What's Inside Zucoin's v184 Release Of The Zucoin Wallet App?

The v184 update to the Zucoin wallet app introduces a highly requested feature: the ability to export your transaction history into a CSV (Comma Separated Value) spreadsheet file.

This new feature is designed to streamline the process for both accountants and DIY users needing to manage financial reporting and tax compliance for digital assets like Zucoin.

2024.05.01 - zucoin wallet app version v184 update released log changes -- export transactions screen settings

This update also has numerous minor improvements to the appearance of certain elements, following on from more community feedback.

Some items in the app have also been loaded-in using a different method, to speed up the app's startup process.

What Is The Purpose Of The "Export Transactions" Feature?

Many users reported the need to make the process of reporting and tracking their Zucoin transactions easier.

This feature saves a ton of time for accountants and DIY users who create financial reports, whether for budgeting or helping to stay compliant with tax reporting for owned digital assets, such as Zucoin.

Specifically, for tax purposes, many accountants and software platforms expect transaction data to be in a spreadsheet format, such as a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file.

While this is a clear use case for the export transaction feature, it can also be used in a number of other ways for those who want to roll up their sleeves and tinker with the generated file, such as for personal data analysis and historical insights.

2024.05.01 - zucoin wallet app version v184 update released log changes -- export transactions screen

How Do I Export My Zucoin Transactions As A CSV File?

Open your Zucoin wallet app.

In the top-right corner, click the "gear" icon to access settings.

Click “Export transactions”.

Click the download button.

Depending on your device, you'll be given various options such as "save the file" or "open", to view it in your preferred spreadsheet app (Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers, etc).


Do All Of My Transactions Appear In The Exported List?

All transaction data that is stored in your Zucoin wallet, on your device, is used to generate the exported CSV spreadsheet file.

If you are missing data from your wallet, it won’t appear in your exported transactions file.

For example, if you had loaded the same Zucoin wallet on multiple devices and didn’t keep each wallet up-to-date and in sync, then some of those wallets may be missing transaction entries when you attempt to export data, so they won't appear in the generated CSV file.

Don't worry though, the data is still valid.

In this case, just like in the Zucoin wallet app itself, an "Adjusted" warning will be included in the transaction's information, indicating this has occurred.

Does The Export Transaction Feature Get My Data From The SplitChain Network?


The export transaction feature doesn’t contact the SplitChain network.

It uses data that exists on your device’s Zucoin wallet only.

Are Any Third Party Services Used To Generate The CSV Spreadsheet File?


Generating a CSV spreadsheet file of your Zucoin wallet’s transactions doesn’t contact any external services.

All processes happen only on your device, to improve safety.

Does This Replace The Need For Wallet Backups?


Wallet backups are essential and ensure you can recover your wallet if you, for example, lose your device or delete your Zucoin wallet.

The transaction export feature only creates a CSV spreadsheet file of your transactions that are stored in your Zucoin wallet.

It doesn’t contain any other data that exists in your wallet backup and cannot be used to restore your Zucoin wallet.

You need to use a Zucoin wallet backup to restore your wallet.

Will This Transaction Report Have Info About Other Platforms, Such As Zutopia Transactions?


The Zutopia marketplace is a separate platform.

As such, any external platform will need to provide reports via their own systems.

More On This Topic:

How do I update my Zucoin wallet app to the latest version?

See troubleshooting guides.

See all past newsletters.

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Disclaimer: Of course, this is not advice, financial or otherwise. It’s also important to consider the risks and challenges associated with any potential benefits.


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