Zucoin Wallet App v185 Update Released - Automatic Light And Dark Modes

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2024.05.16 - zucoin wallet app version v185 update released log changes -- people pulling a giant light switch, toggling sun (light mode) and moon (dark mode) 2

What's Inside Zucoin's v185 Release Of The Zucoin Wallet App?

Zucoin is thrilled to unveil the v185 update for the Zucoin wallet app, introducing support for multiple theme modes.

The Zucoin wallet app will now automatically switch between light and dark modes for an improved user experience.

As Zucoin continues to focus on areas of demand, adding support for dark mode was another milestone that needed to be tackled.

Dark mode is an in-demand feature, with many people expecting it from the apps they use.

Numerous studies point to the popularity of users who prefer dark mode, ranging from ~45% to ~92% of smartphone and PC users, depending on the community you're in.

In recent years, dark mode has been adopted by numerous top-tier apps, even becoming built into every major device operating system, including Microsoft's Windows, Apple's MacOS, iPadOS and iOS, along with Google's Android.

For those counting along, this update involved: 661 additions, 610 deletions, across 32 files changed.

It's also the first phase of a wider segment rollout, with more pieces to come.

2024.05.16 - zucoin wallet app version v185 update released log changes - light dark mode vs comparison

What Are The Upsides Of Dark Mode?

Tons. Dark mode offers several benefits, including:

  1. Reduced Eye Strain: Dark mode can be easier on the eyes, especially in low-light environments, reducing eye strain and discomfort.
  2. Battery Savings: On devices with OLED or AMOLED screens (most modern smartphones), dark mode can save battery life since black pixels consume less power.
  3. Improved Readability: For some users, dark mode improves readability and reduces glare from the screen, making it more comfortable for extended use.
  4. Aesthetic Appeal: Many users find dark mode visually appealing and prefer the sleek, modern look it provides.
  5. Enhanced Focus: Dark mode can help reduce distractions by minimizing the amount of light emitted from the screen, allowing users to focus better on the content.
  6. Health Benefits: Reducing blue light exposure from screens can improve sleep patterns.

How Do I Switch Between Dark And Light Modes?

The Zucoin wallet app uses your device's system settings to decide whether to use a light or dark theme.

It'll use the same system theme as the other apps on your device for consistency.

If you'd like to try the alternate light/dark modes, you can use the following guide for your device.

Some common devices are listed below:

Tip: Some Android device vendors may have moved some settings around. In these cases, you'll need to consult your device manufacturer's own help guides to do this. However, most of the time, the setting can be found in a similar location.

Tip: If you still can't see the light/dark mode changes after doing the above, close and reopen your Zucoin wallet app and the changes will be applied.

Note: In a future update, there'll be an option to set the mode inside of the Zucoin wallet app.

Do I Need To Use Dark Mode?


Using light mode or dark mode on your device is entirely down to personal preference.

If you're happy with the way things currently look in your Zucoin wallet app, there's nothing you need to do.

More On This Topic:

How do I update my Zucoin wallet app to the latest version?

See troubleshooting guides.

See all past newsletters.

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Disclaimer: Of course, this is not advice, financial or otherwise. It’s also important to consider the risks and challenges associated with any potential benefits.


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