Real time transfers, 2-factor for safety, no mining or staking, with a simple trading marketplace.
What's happening on Zucoin's Splitchain network?
Zucoin average price:
$0.68 AUD
Zucoin average price:
$0.77 AUD
Zucoin average price:
$0.77 AUD
30-day Zucoin market cap:
~$77,000,000 AUD
Zucoin's market cap is the total value of all 100,000,000 Zucoins in circulation, calculated using the average trading price over the last 30 days. Remember, this figure can fluctuate based on market conditions. These figures may reflect early-stage pricing and may not be indicative of future trends. Not financial advice.
Updates every ~4 hours
Last updated: ~2 hours ago
Source(s): Zutopia
Designed to be simple, easy and fast. Locally stored data, easy backup and restore features. A self managed crypto wallet that's compatible with Zucoin's Splitchain network.
Self-managed data
Making it easy and delightful
No transaction fees
No mining, way less pollution
In-built 2FA for better safety, less spam
On-device processing
Fast 90s settlement time
Big numbers for microtransactions
Easier, more compliant crypto for businesses
Runs on the web
Web languages and platforms you already know
Baked-in abilities
Lightweight system
Expandable system
It's the core of your Zucoin experience. Wallets are free and easy to use.
Next, you can start trading Zucoin on Zutopia. It's the first marketplace for Zucoin. On Zutopia, you can buy and sell Zucoin. Trades happen directly person to person. Zutopia is compliant with current crypto regulations.
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